Naturally Delightful Carpet Runners for the Home

Nothing can compare to the comfort and durability that carpet runners can provide in a home. Moreover, these play an important role inside the house in that they prevent unwanted mishaps that may occur especially when you have elderly people going up and down the stairs. They also provide additional protection for your staircase or flooring. You won’t even have to worry about scratched wood or hiring a contractor yearly to repaint your heavily used and worn out stairs. All in all, these are not simply glorified and extended mats as they can enhance the character and personality of you home.

Traditionally, these carpet runners are made of the same materials as your ordinary home carpet. But with breakthroughs in manufacturing and with the rise of the organic movement, the industry is seeing more and more naturally derived materials in the market. They’re not only cheaper than their synthetic alternatives, they’re also more environmentally friendly from the manufacturing stage and even up to its disposal. Three materials have risen to the top as the most preferred natural component for these runners: jute, sisal and coir. Jute is a fiber derived from the Jute plants Corchorus olitorius and Corchorus capsularis. Originating from South Asia, the material has found extensive usage throughout the world due to its durability.

These runners that are made from sisal are also in vogue to the point that Florida even cultivated these plants in the 19th century. Many a rug runners catalog would tout this material as one of the top three natural materials that are dominating the market. They’re normally made to make twines and ropes so you can be certain that these sturdy fibers would resist severe tugging and pulling without looking distraught and run down. Today, runners made from these are intricately interwoven into visually appealing patterns that they sometimes don’t even look like they’re made from the natural material. Coir on the other hand, is derived from a portion of coconut shells. The fibers that are taken from these are stronger than cotton and are therefore well suited for the part of the house that is more often passed by.

When purchasing these materials, the one thing that you should know about them is that they are all biodegradable. You’ll find that being environmentally friendly is one of the priorities of some rug runners catalog today. How many times have you purchased carpet runners that just didn’t last very long even though their materials are synthetic. Moreover, these have been professionally designed to such extent that even though they are derived from natural products, putting them in a more modern home setting would work seamlessly and gracefully. You really wouldn’t know the difference unless you touched it with your own bare hands. It’s time for you to delight in the natural marvels that nature has to offer. Take a closer at these carpet runners to know more.