3 Signs Your Old Mattress Is Costing You Sleep

Your current mattress may not show any signs of wear, but that doesn’t mean it’s in great shape. If you wake up feeling groggy or have trouble getting to sleep each night, it could be time to take a trip to your bedroom furniture store for a new set of springs. Here are three signs that you are ready for a new mattress:

You’re Unable to Stay Awake During the Day

If your morning cup of coffee simply isn’t cutting it anymore, and you’re finding yourself consistently exhausted, there’s a good chance you’re not receiving a good night’s rest. Worn-out mattresses cannot effectively support your body, which prevents you from falling asleep and staying asleep. As you toss and turn trying to find a comfortable position, your sleep pattern is disrupted, leaving you poorly rested in the morning.

Your Allergy Symptoms Are Worse Than Ever

Homeowners with pre-diagnosed asthma or allergies often overlook the threat that old mattresses pose to their health and comfort. An old mattress is a prime location for dust mites and allergy-triggering materials that thrive off the model’s non-hypoallergenic materials. If you suffer from respiratory problems, visit your mattress supplier to find a great new option.

Your Body Aches All Over

Back aches and pain throughout your muscles and joints could be caused by your outdated mattress. Once a mattress is worn down, it can’t support your body as you sleep. Furthermore, a mattress that is too soft or too firm for your body will place stress on vertebrae and muscles throughout your torso.