7 Essential Tips for End-Summer Gardening

Summer is on the sunset and autumn is knocking the doors. Now is a unique time for addressing some very specific aspects of your garden. You want your garden to remain healthy and offer great choices for the time to come. Now is your time to invest to make sure that such dreams materialise.

This is the time when you look back into your strategy of gardening so far and evaluate what worked and what did not. Ask questions. Evaluate whether you are happy with the variety that you have or you would want something different. Identify the vegetables and flowers you want to change in the next season. Think upon whether you want a colourful garden and what the flowers that you would prefer are. If you want to host parties then you may think of carrying out ornamental gardening to an extent.

7 Essential Tips for End-Summer Gardening

In terms of action items, there is a good bit of maintenance that you can do. Here is a list of the items that you would want to include.

  1. Remove the summer crops that no longer produce good plants. They are no longer worth having.
  2. Remove dead and weak plants. Remove old stems. Replace with new fresh plants that are stronger and healthier – the health of your overall garden will improve with this.
  3. Perform your weeding. Weeding can be made an ongoing task so that it is never too heavy. The rains during the falls are certain to make your weeds grow faster than now, so prepare for it by removing all the existing weeds.
  4. Perform re-fertilization of your land. This would ensure that your garden soil is in good shape for fresh planting at the fall, and the existing late summer plans would also get a push forward in terms of health.
  5. Remove summer recyclables such as old tools with rust.
  6. Repair broken garden furnishings. Prepare well for your fall plantings.
  7. Buy garden perennials. You may be able to find good end-season sales during this period. Before you buy, check your garden to prepare your list well so that you enjoy the future.

End-summer gardening is special in its own rights because of all the factors discussed above.